Amazing fact about Human sweat | Is sweating good for the skin?
The human body produces heat. There are many sweat glands in the human body that secrete sweat.
What exactly is sweat?
Sweat is also known as perspiration (say: pur-spuh-RAY-shun), and it is made almost completely of water, with tiny amounts of other chemicals like ammonia (say: uh-MOWN-yuh), urea (say: yoo-REE-uh), salts, and sugar. (Ammonia and urea are left over when your body breaks down protein.)
Is sweating good for the skin?
Sweat does have some positive benefits to your skin. It moisturizes and cools the skin. Regular exercise and normal sweat production have been shown to have anti-aging effects. Additionally, it even helps kill harmful bacteria on your skin's surface.
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